Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to Experience the True Power of WordPress SEO

Twitter Backlink Growth by Robert on Flickr

Automatic Backlinks Creator

In order for the search engines to rank your WordPress site, you have to have more than great articles. There are a few concrete steps that you should be taking to make sure you're not lagging behind when it comes to search engine rankings. We will discuss some of the things below.

Using a Google sitemap will get your site the attention from Google that you definitely want it to have. It isn't difficult at all to add Google Sitemap to your WordPress site. Google needs a roadmap in order to navigate your site; Google Sitemaps gives them one. This allows the search engines to have a shorter version of the volumes of information on your site. If you like simplicity, and who doesn't, then you're going to love the Google XML Sitemaps plugin for WordPress sites. The plugin really is amazing and updates on its own when you add new sites to your WordPress blog. It's really easy to install and totally worth the effort so don't miss out on it.

Having Correct XHTML Code: This step not be overlooked when creating an effective WordPress site will give you results in the future. There are plenty of reasons why your site should receive certification within the online industry. If you do not know a thing about HTML, you will not have problems in the beginning. Type in your blog's name into the W3C Validator. If it does not validate, then walk through the directions until find the problem and fix it.

Getting your website to validate will make sure that there are not any factors that will deter it being ranked well by the search engines.

Recycle Old Posts: This is a wonderful strategy for making sure that your WordPress blog is up to date and entertaining. All you have to do is utilize a few old articles and repurpose them with new information. Add new breath and stimulation to it. The next step is to just republish it with the new content. If you want to keep increasing your search engine ranking for these old posts, then make sure you retain the old permalinks and not change them. This will supply you with a newer sum of pages that already have a good ranking with Google. This will give them a higher ranking with the search engines. Using WordPress SEO effectively is all about making the correct move at the correct time. The tips that we discussed in this article will help you create a better ranking for your WordPress site and give you an edge over the competition if you apply them the right way.
Source: Automatic Backlinks Generator

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