Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Get More Traffic By Bookmarking Your Site at Social Bookmarking Sites

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Social bookmarking has been in existence for a number of years now. It is perfect for the person who needs to find information, but does not have the time to research it. As an online marketer, your should be aware that social bookmarking websites can refer specific traffic to your site if you know how to use it correctly. This article is going to show us how to accomplish this.

Focus on the Headlines: When you're posting on social bookmarking site, remember that your aim is to stand out from the rest, and get noticed by your target audience. So make sure your headline is catchy when you submit a bookmark. Many links remain unnoticed on social bookmarking sites just because they weren't titled properly, which is nothing but losing yet another chance to get a visitor. Several social bookmarking sites have readers decide which bookmarks they like. It's basically a popularity contest and the bookmarks with the most votes will hit the first page. Landing lots of votes will bring your website plenty of targeted traffic. Prepare Your Server: Don't be surprised if your article makes it to the front page of a bookmarking site and generates enough traffic to crash your server. So, generally, this is a good outcome that can turn into a nightmare if you do not plan for it properly. If you are sure that your submitted article will cause that type of ruckus, then prepare for the outcome. Prepare your server for the tons of traffic. It would not look good for your brand if your users knew that your website could not deal with large amounts of traffic. This is not the look of a professional. You might want to mention this to your hosting company. Be certain that you are very prepared.

Have Additional Articles on the Subject: Social bookmarking websites can generate large volumes of traffic for you. But at the same time, it may just die down in a two or three days. So you will not have tons of traffic forever. This is why you need to be prepared beforehand to make the most out of it. This drop in traffic is generally inevitable. So have enough articles on your site so that your visitors will stick around. Supply them with additional materials to read. Make it hard for them to leave your website. Your website should really give them something instead of your one article, when they arrive on your site. Plenty of social bookmark members only go from site to site and never stay on any one site for a long time. So see to it that they convert to paying customers. You should be certain that your articles have links to them for related information.

All social bookmarking sites have the capability to refer a particular type of traffic to your website and provide you with extra exposure. But, how you utilize these websites to your benefit will depend on how much you are concentrating on getting things done.
( fbf88c9522 ) Article source: Napoleon Saicedo is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in Automated SEO more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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