Saturday, October 30, 2010

Article Marketing Is Far More Powerful Than Many People Realize

SEO Expert

De la Seo Al Pilar# Nocturna. by Antonio Goya

Don't Miss Out On The Benefits Of Article Marketing By Not Doing It Right
The benefits or advantages of article marketing are immense, since it's the most successfully used form of online marketing ever. If you are ready to start making money with little investment then article marketing is your solution.

An important benefit of article marketing is that it helps you increase your site's page rank. Page rank is an important factor when it comes to Google ranking so you are killing two birds with one stone. One factor used to determine page rank is the number of backlinks a site has; so each article you publish and distribute the more backlinks you will have. Not only does your own page rank matter but the page rank of the sites that you get backlinks from also makes a difference in the effect it has on your site. You don't have to focus on getting backlinks from all high PR web pages but it will help to at least have a few. Google gets more searches performed through their search engine than any other so it would be a good idea to become competitive on their engine. Google will usually show your site preference over others when a search is done if you have a high page rank. Your articles can bring you traffic from multiple sources. Consistent page rank can easily be achieved through article marketing because your backlinks stay active for a long time on most of the sites, especially the high page rank ones. So if a time comes when you need to sell your website, your high PR will fetch you a better rate.
Article marketing is also very good for your website's SEO (search engine optimization), as it builds quality backlinks for you. You can build an increasing number of quality backlinks as you write articles and submit them to a variety of well regarded sites, blogs and directories. There are many complex, expensive and devious ways to build backlinks, but article marketing gives you a free, simple and ethical way to do it. You will often get more backlinks that you originally counted on, as other blogs and sites in search of content re-publish your articles. Articles are one of the best backlinking methods because it's free as well as completely ethical. The search engines count these links and view them as relevant since they come from directories that have high authority. You receive these backlinks fairly easily as well, you won't have to write a thousand articles to get them. If you can produce quality articles, only a few them can give you tons of incoming links that will help you push your site's rank in the search engines to a great extent.

Don't forget amount the opportunities you have to position yourself as an authority figure in your niche. Every online business grows on the basis of how you create a lasting relationship with your target market and when you write and publish articles on a regular basis, you'll get to understand your readers well. Share your knowledge and use it to build trust. There are no losers in this scenario. In summary, article marketing has worked for every marketer who has given it a sincere try and it will work for you too.

Source: Detra Brevil is our guest SEO expert who also writes articles on the subject of Seo Review.